Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chronic Neck Pain and Auto Accidents

Being in a car accident is a very difficult situation on a number of levels. Your pain is sometimes secondary to the aftermath of having your car at the mechanic as well as the stress of dealing with your insurance and potentially missing work.
Don't ignore even a mild pain in the neck area because it is such a flimsy and easily injured area, the human body did not evolve with the access to high speed transportation. The impact of even a 5 MPH rear end collision has the potential to cause damage to the neck. Many patients I see after an auto accident come to me after about two weeks, about the time the pain medication has become ineffective. However some patients chose to live with the pain, this then becomes a much more difficult treatment process because we see on X-Ray the beginnings of permanent damage.
Chronic neck pain doesn’t often go unnoticed. If you experience it, there’s probably no ambiguity about the way it affects your daily life and wellbeing.  The muscles in your neck are constantly in use, and when your movement feels inhibited or causes you pain, it can become very frustrating—especially if you’re not sure of the cause.  I’ve had patients come to me for treatment of chronic neck pain who cannot recall a direct or recent trigger for their pain. It’s not until I ask them if they’ve ever been in an auto accident, even a minor one, that helps the patient and I gain some insight into their problem.  Many are surprised to learn that it’s possible to experience pain from an accident, even if it happened months ago and no apparent injuries occurred. Chronic neck pain is among the most common results of an accident, even if it wasn’t a major impact.  You may not have even had a collision. Soft tissue damage can occur from simply making an abrupt stop.
While common and unfortunately inhibiting, chronic neck pain and damage to soft tissue can easily be treated through chiropractic care.  Adjustment and exercises can realign the body and enable the proper healing response that repairs physical trauma and symptoms resulting from this damage.  Chronic neck pain that can persist for weeks may be treated after a few basic treatments. Of course, relief starts with a basic exam that will help us determine the underlying cause of your neck pain, and subsequently, the most effective and natural way to relieve you of it.

-          Dr. David B. Thomson B.Sc. D.C.


  1. Massage can help many people with aches and pains after accidents.

    1. It is a hand in glove approach, I would not consider just doing one or the other both need to be done.
