Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chiropractic and Acupuncture: Why Use Them Together?

While they’re administered through different techniques and have very different origins, chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture have more in common than you may think. As a result, they’re excellent complementary treatments for not only getting well, but saying well.  It should come at little surprise that at my practice, Thomson Chiropractic and Acupuncture, I make use of both.  For patients who are curious about this approach and who are considering a dual treatment let me explain why they work so well together.

Both chiropractic and acupuncture work through similar principals. Both are designed to correct imbalances, prompt natural healing and restore an inherent state of health that was formerly being obstructed. Both empower the body to heal without the use of drugs, surgery or other invasive treatments. Each treatment accomplishes this in its own unique way.  Chiropractic treatment is most commonly administered through the spine—using targeted manual adjustments to correct subluxations that are based within the nervous system.  As the nervous system is the primary means of communication throughout the body, numerous obstructions can be addressed by using the spine as the treatments initiation point.  Similar in principal but quite different in practice, acupuncture is based on the overall flow of biological energy across the body’s meridian points. Just as the hands are used to adjust the spine, puncture or pressure is used to manipulate precise meridian points.  This not only restores circulation and communication, it obstructs any blockages that interfere with the human body’s internal balance.

Based on your wellness goals, you and I can work together to determine if a combination of chiropractic and acupuncture would be a successful treatment program you.

-          Dr. David B. Thomson B.Sc. D.C.

1 comment:

  1. Traditional Chinese has work like wonders for most people who avail of it, I for one love acupuncture, thanks for the share!
