Monday, December 17, 2012

Headaches and Chiropractic

Do you frequently suffer from headaches?  If you do, you know just how frustrating and obstructive they can be.  While many look for painkillers that cover up the pain of their headache until it temporarily passes, there are natural ways to find relief.  I have helped many patients find headache relief through chiropractic adjustments and manipulations.  Instead of using drugs, medications and invasive, risky methods, chiropractic addresses the underlying cause of the headache and helps patients find natural relief and prevent future occurrences.

Many Americans are used to living a sedentary life both at work and at home.  Unfortunately, this sedentary lifestyle strains muscles in the back and neck.  This results in tension and headaches.   When the spine is properly aligned, there is less strain in the neck and the headache is relieved.  Instead of opting for painkillers, I recommend that chronic headache sufferers come in for adjustments and follow specific nutritional guidelines that I have developed from years of being in practice to rid your self of this problem. If you find yourself sitting for long periods of time, remember to get up and walk around every once in a while to ease the strain on your neck.

-Dr. David Thomson

1 comment:

  1. Interesting!! I agree with this.
    "nstead of using drugs, medications and invasive, risky methods, chiropractic addresses the underlying cause of the headache and helps patients find natural relief and prevent future occurrences."

    taking up drugs is not always the solution to your headaches and strain on the neck.
    Thanks for Sharing.
