Thursday, February 21, 2013

Biopuncture more than just pain relief.

Biopuncture is a technique using homeopathic products injected into acupuncture, trigger points and into other specific dis-eased areas. The products injected have been proven to be safe and have been used since 1796. The developer of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann was a trained German physician  who knew that traditional medicine did more harm than good. He is credited with using synergistic biological products that are derived from plants.
In my office I use prescription only Products. Homeopathic remedies are derived from substances that come from plants and minerals. Treatments are individualized and tailored to each person in fact — it is not uncommon for different people with the same condition to receive different treatments, depending on, but not limited to genetics, age of the patient, current health issues, diet, and family history. Some examples of the Biopuncture medications are:
Lymphomyosot is used for lymphatic drainage.
Traumeel for inflammations and sports injuries.
Spascupreel for muscular cramps.
The pharmaceutical medication in the homeopathic ampoules contains very low concentrations of active substances. The products are non-toxic and they have few side effects. While they can be used with any other drug therapy or traditional pain medication the goal is obviously to help the patient use a natural cure rather than a dangerous drug or addictive narcotic.
 The ampoules used in Biopuncture are manufactured by companies that guarantee the production quality of their products. Most of the ampoules used for injection are made in Germany and Canada. They are held to very strict quality control regulations. Clinical studies on thousands of patients have confirmed the safety of ampoules. 

A man (23) had pain in his right shoulder for 7 months, the injury occurred when he fell and landed on concrete on his shoulder, Radiographic examination (X-rays) showed that he had suffered a grade three AC separation. He used kinesio tape, physiotherapy and acupuncture with some results. He began using NSAIDs and Lortab for the chronic pain. He reported that he was not able to lift his arm and woke several times nightly due to pain.  He received injections with Traumeel®  and Lymphomyosot®  in the pain zone subcutaneously, using a 27G x 1/2" needle. After one injection he improved by about 50%. after the second visit and using the same prescription his pain was 100 percent gone.

A 45 year old male was t-boned by a drunk driver at high speed. He had thoracic pain that was unrequited after 1 year of treatment of Chiropractic, acupuncture, active therapy and physical therapy. The pain was normally a 5 out of 10 with 10 being incapacitating. After a Biopuncture  injection series along the para spinal muscles his pain went from 5 to 3. This patient is still under my care and is scheduled for Biopuncture this week.

I will keep you posted as to his success.

Dr. Dave Thomson


  1. Although Biopuncture has been around since 1796, it seems like an attempt at the merging of Eastern and Western Medicine. It's nice to see that there are more studies reporting the effectiveness of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as well as the acceptance of Acupuncture by the U.S. Military. Hopefully, the slow integration of Eastern and Western Medical Science can help to solve health problems and no longer be founded on making profits.

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