Thursday, October 23, 2014

Exercise and Chiropractic Therapy

Cardiovascular and strengthening exercises combined with chiropractic care are important in the management of low back pain.
If a patient has a history of heart problems, it is important for the patient to consult with not only the doctor of chiropractic but their primary care physician to be certain that they can tolerate cardiovascular fitness-promoting activities. Specific instructions are given by the chiropractic with respect to proper exercise for the patient's condition before beginning any exercise program. 
Exercise Benefits
Many studies have reported the importance of exercises in managing acute and chronic low back pain, strengthening the low back, preventing and keeping back patients working, and to improve quality of life. The strength of the abdominal muscles was also found to be able to differentiate between those with vs. without chronic LBP.
Overall and when combined with chiropractic care, aerobic exercise helps promote proper digestion, keeps the muscles in proper tome and promotes better circulation. Walking briskly around the block at least once or twice is a convenient and proper activity.
Also, many forms of work and/or household tasks can function as an exercise program. The important point is to exercise!
Types of exercises
There are many applicable back exercises that are available for patients also undergoing chiropractic care for lower back pain. One can classify the chiropractic patient into a flexion or extension biased category to determine the variety that is best for that patient.
Other exercises that can help reduce lower back pain include:
  •         Strengthening of the pelvic stabilizing muscles (trunk mussel)    
  •         Stretching of the hamstrings, adductors, and other overly short or tight postural muscle

Reported efficacy of exercise in chiropractic care
According to the scientific commission of the council on chiropractic guidelines and practice parameters (CCGPP): 
As with any chiropractic treatment, it is important for chiropractors to perform a focused reevaluation of an exercise program following its initial therapeutic trial to determine its effectiveness. Using spinal range of motion as a measurement of the effectiveness of exercise is just one way in which chiropractors can make such determinations.
1. Globe G, Morris C, Whalen W, et al, " chiropractic Management of Low Back Disorders: Report from a Consensus Process".
2. Bigos S, Bowyer O, Braen G, et al, "Acute low back problems in adults".

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