Tuesday, March 4, 2014


A slip on the sidewalk, in the winter, is a SMALL thing. It happens to millions. A fall off a ladder, in summer, is a SMALL thing. This happens to millions.
The slip or fall has the potential to misalign a bone in the spine called a subluxation. That specific subluxation is a small thing. The subluxation produces pressure upon the brain stem, with its trillions of nerve fibers. That pressure is a SMALL thing. This specific pressure produces interferences and reduces flow over the nerves. That decreased flow is a SMALL thing. That decreased quantity flow of nerve supply produces a specific dis-eased brain or body. THAT is a BIG thing to THAT person.
Multiply THAT man by a thousand, and you control the physical and mental welfare of a city. Multiply THAT man by a million and you shape the physical and mental destiny of a state. Multiply THAT man by 315 million and you forecast and prophesy the mental and physical status of a nation.

So, the slip or the fall; the creation of a specific subluxation, consequent pressure, reduce nerve flow and dis-ease IS BIG enough to control the thoughts and actions of a nation.
Now comes a man; and any one man is a SMALL thing. This man gives a specific adjustment upon the specific subluxation; and that adjustment is a SMALL thing. The adjustment replaces the bone back in normal alignment, and that is a SMALL thing. The adjusted subluxation releases pressure upon nerves; and that is a SMALL thing. The released pressure restores health to A man, and THAT is a BIG thing to THAT man.
Multiply THAT man by a thousand men, and you step up the physical and mental welfare of a city. Multiply THAT man by a million, and you increase the efficiency of a state. Multiply THAT well man by 315 million, and you produce a healthy, wealthy, better race for posterity, in a nation.
Man is a SMALL thing, worlds considered. A subluxation is small, man considered. The alignment of bones in the spine, is small. The neural canal, in a spine, is also SMALL. Yet, that bone, small as it is; crowding in upon the neural canal, small as it is, acts as a governor to the destiny of man’s thots and functions; for it, in normal position permits a free flow, or in subluxation interferes with a free flow of all that force with which man thinks and acts. Man lives when he CAN think and act. Man dies when he CEASES to create thot and perform motion. Man becomes sick when thot and function are below par. Therefore, the alignment of the spine may be a SMALL thing, but it is the BIGGEST thing in man.
So, the specific adjustment of the bone in a specific subluxation, to release pressures upon the nerves, to restore normal quantity nerve flow, to restore health IS BIG enough to rebuild the thoughts and actions of the world.
What pill or drug is ever going to get that bone to MOVE back in place?

By Dr. Robert Moore - http://www.awesomedr.com

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