Nocturnal enuresis or bed wetting - In the U.S., between 2-3 million children are afflicted. The cause of nocturnal enuresis/bed wetting is considered unknown.
The medical treatment for children is the prescription of desmopressin. Desmopressin is an anti diuretic hormone and is given as an intranasal spray and does appear to be effective. The side-effects of desmopressin are allergic reaction, seizures, increased blood pressure, hyponatremia and water intoxication.
Because of side effects people are looking for safe and natural approaches to many maladies. One such patient came to my office a few months ago. The mother Anna told me that they had tried several things to help her son. Including an alarm, the problem with the alarm is that it works after it gets wet, obviously this is a dilemma.
A chiropractic evaluation of this 8 year old male revealed a very healthy active child. His range of motion in the lumbar and cervical spine were normal. The orthopedic and neurological exam appeared normal. When I felt his spine known as "palpation", the presence of tenderness and edema was located at C1 on the right, T4, on the left and in the lumbar spine I felt tenderness and loss of movement between L5 and S1 (first sacral segment).
I saw Chris at first 3 times a week for 2 weeks and then one time a week for 12 visits. this protocol included acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments. At first Chris had some fears and some tears when we used the needles, however now he just lays there better than some of my older patients!
During his last visit he brought me his "dry days" calender. He had marked off 29 days dry. SUCCESS! way to go Chris (not his real name - as you who read this blog will know by now)
The medical treatment for children is the prescription of desmopressin. Desmopressin is an anti diuretic hormone and is given as an intranasal spray and does appear to be effective. The side-effects of desmopressin are allergic reaction, seizures, increased blood pressure, hyponatremia and water intoxication.
Because of side effects people are looking for safe and natural approaches to many maladies. One such patient came to my office a few months ago. The mother Anna told me that they had tried several things to help her son. Including an alarm, the problem with the alarm is that it works after it gets wet, obviously this is a dilemma.
A chiropractic evaluation of this 8 year old male revealed a very healthy active child. His range of motion in the lumbar and cervical spine were normal. The orthopedic and neurological exam appeared normal. When I felt his spine known as "palpation", the presence of tenderness and edema was located at C1 on the right, T4, on the left and in the lumbar spine I felt tenderness and loss of movement between L5 and S1 (first sacral segment).
I saw Chris at first 3 times a week for 2 weeks and then one time a week for 12 visits. this protocol included acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments. At first Chris had some fears and some tears when we used the needles, however now he just lays there better than some of my older patients!
During his last visit he brought me his "dry days" calender. He had marked off 29 days dry. SUCCESS! way to go Chris (not his real name - as you who read this blog will know by now)
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