Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Acupuncture and Low Back Pain

Lower back pain affects eighty percent of us at one point in our lives.  It could take shape as acute pain for a few days to chronic pain that lasts for months or even years.  Although the severity varies, low back pain is still uncomfortable and disruptive to our quality of life.

Treatments for lower back pain does not have to involve dangerous medication.  Through acupuncture, lower back pain can be treated naturally and effectively.  I recommend acupuncture for my patients that are suffering from acute and chronic pain and have not found relief.  Not only does acupuncture reduce pain, but also improves overall function. Metabolic systems in the body are millions of times more complicated than ever expected, acupuncture is an ancient medical practice that has over 3000 years of clinical documentation. Modern medicine has not been effective in treating low back pain even with DRUGS OR SURGERY.  If you are interested in the relationship between acupuncture and low back pain and how it can help you find pain relief, contact me at my practice.  I’m happy to help you find the relief that you need.

-          Dr. David Thomson

1 comment:

  1. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat many types of chronic pain and this is also best for the back pain. Thanks for the great article on the same.
    Back pain acupuncture
